• Is there an app that can help students find their testing location once on campus?
    • Yes. Download the “Find My Class” app.
  • How to register qualifying students for State Rally? 
    • The District Rally Coordinator will submit all students who qualify for Literary Events to the State Rally Coordinator.
  • How to register the student(s) for Open and Performance Events?
  • How many students can my school send to compete in a single Open event (i.e. Latin, German, etc)?
    • Each school may register and send exactly one student per Open event to compete.
  • Can students participate in multiple events at State Rally?
    • Eligible students may participate in one open or performance event and one literary event (if they qualify based on their ranking at District Rally) at State Rally.
    • If a student is participating in more than one event, the student should report to the open or performance event check-in location first, check-in with the open or performance event staff, and then report to the literary event location. The student will take his/her literary test and then return to participate in the open or performance event (unless otherwise notified). All literary tests will be held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and no exceptions will be made for students participating in multiple events.
  • Is there a special foreign language verification form for students participating in open foreign language events?
    • No, by completing the original event entry form, the school rally coordinator and foreign language teacher verify that the student is not a native speaker and meets all other eligibility requirements, as noted in the LHSRA 2024 Foreign Language Policies here.
  • Why do I need to provide the email address for each State Rally participant?
    • The State Rally Office collects email addresses, so we may ensure that all State Rally participants receive pertinent information regarding State Rally Day and also to keep in touch with students should they win one of our Overall Scholarships.
  • When will we receive the assigned time slots for performance events (drama, music and speech)?
    • Drama Events – Performance time slots will be emailed to the drama teacher and rally coordinator.
    • Music Events – Performance time slots will be emailed to the music teacher at each school.
    • Speech Events – Check-in for all Speech events will begin at 8:30 a.m. in 136 Coates Hall. Students will receive their assigned time slot when they check-in on State Rally day.
  • When will I receive the State Rally Map & Agenda, including locations for each literary event?
    • The detailed schedule will be released as we approach Rally Day. Information about parking and directions to State Rally is available here.
    • *The stated check-in time listed on the itinerary is the time that the literary events will BEGIN to accept students to check-in.
  • When will literary tests be held?
    • Check-in for all literary tests will begin at 9:30 a.m. The literary tests will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. and will last approximately one hour. All students should report directly to the testing location listed in the agenda by 9:30 a.m.
  • What information will students need to bring with them on State Rally day?
    • Students need to bring at least two (2) No. 2 sharpened pencils.
    • Students need to bring their registration letters with them. Registration letters will be e-mailed to your school rally coordinator and are required for event check-in.
    • Students need to bring their own calculator. See our Calculator Usage Policy.
    • Photo identification is NOT required.
  • Do students need to bring identification the day of State Rally?
    • No, students do not need to bring identification the day of State Rally.
  • What is the policy for calculator usage?
  • When should we arrive to campus?
    • We strongly encourage you to arrive to campus at least one hour prior to your first event to allow time to navigate campus, park or drop off, and locate your event. Traffic will be especially heavy from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
  • What happens if a student arrives late for a literary event?
    • The student will only have until the literary event ends to complete the test. All literary tests are one-hour long. For example: If a test begins at 10:00 a.m., it will end promptly at 11:00 a.m. Any student who arrives after 9:30 a.m. will still only have until 11:00 a.m. to complete the test.
    • *Most tests do not take the entire hour to complete.
  • Is breakfast or lunch provided for State Rally participants?
    • No.  A breakfast reception is only provided for school rally coordinators, chaperones and principals in 130 W. Howe Russell.
  • What should chaperones/parents do while students are taking tests?
    • Only eligible students are allowed inside testing locations.
    • Parents teachers and chaperones are invited to a short welcome by LSU leadership in 130 W. Howe-Russell at 10:15.
  • Who is allowed to attend the General Assembly of Principals (GAP) Meeting?
    • Principals, Assistant Principals, or designated proxies are allowed to attend the virtual GAP Meeting on Saturday, March 23rd. 
    • All those planning on attending the GAP Meeting must send confirmation to rally@lsu.edu by March 16th.