The Louisiana High School Rally Association (LHSRA) is a voluntary, non-profit, educational association of middle and junior units of a school (i.e. 8-12 grades in a K-12 school or ninth grade centers), home schools, and senior high schools that are recognized by the Secretary of State of the State of Louisiana and the colleges and universities that coordinate the district and state competitions each year.

LHSRA provides opportunities for Louisiana students to achieve district- and state-level recognition for their academic and performance talents. In doing so, we hope to encourage students to develop and strive for excellence in their academic and performance pursuits.


  • 24–25 LHSRA (State) Membership Registration opened September 2, 2024. 
  • District and State Rallies are scheduled to take place on March 15, 2025 and April 12, 2025. 


HistoryConstitutionArchivesPast Actions

Brief History

High School Rally is an academic tradition that began in 1909 at LSU. In its first year, contests included both academic and athletic events. High school students could compete in events such as English composition, debate, speech, chorus, spelling, obstacle courses, and even potato-sack races.

According to the 1910 LSU University Bulletin on High School Rally, the first rally proved “such a success in every way and met with such hearty response from the principals, the teachers, and the pupils of the high schools” that LSU President Thomas Boyd created a permanent organization to continue the event.

High School Rally has since evolved into the Louisiana High School Rally Association that offers ten district rallies held at universities throughout the state, and a single State Rally hosted at LSU.

For over a century, LSU has hosted State Rally with the goal of providing Louisiana high school students the opportunity to showcase their academic and performance abilities in fair and friendly competitions. With more than 70 academic and performance events, there are many opportunities for students to compete. In recent years, more than 4,000 students from over 350 schools have participated in State Rally after advancing from their District Rally.

View full Constitution text [PDF].

Article I – Name

The Association shall be known as the Louisiana High School Rally Association (LHSRA).

The Louisiana High School Rally Association is a voluntary, non-profit, educational association of middle, junior, units of a school (i.e., 8–12 grades in a K–12 school, or ninth grade centers), home schools, and senior high schools that are recognized by the Louisiana State Department of Education and the colleges and universities that coordinate the district and state competitions each year. Through it, they work cooperatively in adopting standards for supervising and regulating those interscholastic activities and contests that may be delegated by the member schools to the jurisdiction of the Association.

All District and State rallies shall comply fully with the Louisiana High School Rally Association, its rules, regulations, and policies as stated in its Constitution, all supporting documents, including, but not limited, to Eligibility Rules, General Information, Literary Contest Descriptions, Open Event policies, Calculator Usage Policy, Special Testing Accommodations, and Honors and Awards Policy.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Louisiana High School Rally Association is to provide opportunities for students to achieve a greater awareness of the importance of education in these critical times, and gain a renewed determination to develop their talents to the maximum by promoting keen competition and a desire for excellence, and in recognizing academic endeavors on a statewide level.  Furthermore, it is an enlightened way of recognizing and rewarding students who excel in that for which all schools are primarily established, academic pursuits.

Spirit of Rally

The intent of the District and State Rallies is to foster a sense of fair competition among the participating schools. The integrity of the Spirit of Rally may only be maintained if no competitor is given an unfair advantage regarding academic credentials such as the following eligibility rules:

  • Students who are native speakers of a foreign language participating in that language’s rally competition events
  • Students who attempt to compete in events for which advanced credit has been earned or having been earned for courses in advanced standing, such as competing in Physical Science after completing a course in Chemistry.
  • Other rules and statements regarding unfair advantage can be found in LHSRA documents including, but not limited to Eligibility Rules, General Information, and the Calculator Usage Policy.

Article III – Membership

Section 1.  Membership

Membership of this Association shall be open to all State approved middle, junior, units of a school (i.e., 7–12 grades in a K–12 school, or ninth grade centers), home schools, and senior high schools who have qualified their students for participation.

Section 2.  Classification

The record of registration at the close of the first month of the school year as given on the official annual report to the Louisiana Department of Education shall be taken as the basis for classification.

Classification of Schools

Division Inclusive Number of Students
I 1001 & up students
II 501-1000 students
III 251-500 students
IV 151-250 students
V 1-150 students

NOTE: Unit schools (K–12) use 9–12 grade enrollments as basis for classification. Middle, junior, 9th grade centers, and other special schools use the annual report for purposes of classification.

Section 3.  Dues

An annual membership fee recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly of Principals (GAP) shall be paid to the Louisiana High School Rally Association by the first Friday of December each year.  Schools remitting dues after this date, but prior to the first Friday of February of the following year are to be assessed a $75 late fee in addition to regular divisional dues.  Dues and late fees are as follows:

Division Dues Late Fee
I & II $180 $75
III & IV $160 $75
V $140 $75

Failure to remit dues by this February date will disqualify participation in district and state rallies. These dues and late fees will be reviewed every three years with the next review being made during the 2023–2024 academic year.

Article IV – Officers

Section 1.  Officers

The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice President, Executive Director, and an Associate Executive Director (ex-officio).  The President and Vice President shall be elected by a majority vote from among voting delegates of member schools at the annual meeting of the Association.  The Executive Director shall be appointed by the host university/college. The Associate Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Director and must be a staff member at the host university/college.

Section 2.  Terms

President and Vice President shall be elected for two (2) years and cannot be elected for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

Section 3.  President

(a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall call special meetings as provided in Article V, Section 3.

(b) The President shall countersign all checks and in the event that he/she becomes incapacitated, or unavailable, the Vice President shall assume this responsibility.

(c) He/she shall be responsible for appointing committees as necessary.

(d) The Immediate Past President shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee for an additional term.

Section 4.  Vice President

(a) In the event that the President resigns or becomes ineligible in the Association, the Vice President shall become President for the remainder of the unexpired term of office.

(b) Should the Vice President resign or become ineligible in the Association or ascend to the Presidency, a new Vice President shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and shall serve for the duration of the unexpired term of office.

Section 5.  Executive Director

(a) The Association’s Executive Director shall be appointed by the host university/college and shall keep a written record of the business of the Association, administer the activities of the Association, interpret the Constitution, perform those duties that may be assigned by the membership and/or the Executive Committee, and provide all District and State Literary Rally tests.

(b) The Executive Director shall be in charge of all receipts and disbursements, and shall present an annual financial report to the Association.

Section 6.  Associate Executive Director

(a) The Associate Executive Director shall assist the Executive Director.  Particularly, the Associate Executive Director shall assist in the administration of the Association, execution of rally activities and events, and correspondence with schools/district rally entities.

(b) The Associate Executive Director shall assist in the preparation of membership files, records, and financial reports of the Association.

(c) The Associate Executive Director shall serve at the discretion of the Executive Director, and shall serve as an ex-officio officer of the Association.

Article V – Executive Committee

Section 1.  Members

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Presidents and District Rally Directors, or their designees, of the District Rallies, and the officers of the Association.

Section 2.  Quorum

Six (6) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 3.  Power

The Executive Committee shall have full power to act for the Association on emergency matters during the interim of its annual meeting and may meet as often as necessary.

Section 4.  Duties

The Executive Committee shall serve as a rules committee and act upon any rules(s) infraction, concerns, or appeals.

Section 5.  Rally Dates

The Executive Committee shall set District and State Rally dates.

Article VI – Meeting

Section 1.  Meeting

There shall be one meeting of this Association to be held on the same date as the State Literary Rally. Time and place will be designated in the State Rally Association Bulletin. A quorum shall consist of those member schools that attend the meeting.

Section 2.  General Assembly of Principals (GAP)

Voting at the annual meeting (GAP) shall be restricted to a Principal, Assistant Principal, or a designee who is authorized by letter from the school principal.  Each school shall have one (1) vote.  All business coming before the GAP shall be decided by majority vote.

Section 3.  Voting

Principals, Assistant Principals, or designees must register with the Executive Director prior to the meeting in a manner to be determined by the Executive Director.  All Executive Committee members have voting privileges at the annual meeting.

Article VII – Activities

Section 1.  Events

The LHSRA is responsible for Literary, Drama, Music, Speech, and Special Open Foreign Language Events.

Section 2.  Governing Agency

The LHSRA shall be the governing agency of all District Rallies and is reflected in the annual bulletin of the Association.

Section 3.  Literary Tests

The LHSRA shall provide all District and State Literary Rally tests.

Article VIII – Parliamentary Authority

All rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Louisiana High School Rally Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and any special rules of order the Louisiana High School Rally Association may adopt.

Article IX – Amendment of the Constitution

Section 1.  Rules

This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the Executive Director at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the Association.

Section 2.  Proposed Amendments

All proposed amendments shall be mailed to the membership at least one (1) week prior to the annual General Assembly of Principals meeting.

Chronology of Past Actions

  1. Any proposal from persons other than the Executive Committee must be submitted to the Executive Secretary in writing at least 30 days prior to the annual General Assembly. All proposed amendments are to be mailed to the membership at least one week prior to the Assembly meeting. (April 1970)
  2. No school may enter more than one student in each individual literary event at State Rally. (April 1972)
  3. Any bona fide student officially enrolled in a state approved Louisiana high school is eligible to enter district and state rally competition in subject(s) currently being taken in high school. (April 1973)
  4. A student not officially enrolled in high school is not eligible for District and State Rally competition. (April 1973)
  5. District qualification for Special Open Foreign Language events are waived. (April 1973)
  6. Delete from Literary competition the four event/subjects (Latin I and II; German I and II) having the lowest evidence of participation and add four event/subjects from list of normally surveyed. (March 1974)
  7. Four courses shall be added to District and State Rally competition: General Business, Government, Economics, and Sociology. (March 1974)
  8. The event/subjects of American Government and Shorthand I are eliminated and replaced by Computer Literacy and Environmental Science. (March 1989)
  9. Eliminate Typewriting I from State Rally competition, but retain Spelling. Should the demand for Overall Winner Scholarship funds exceed the amount of the Overall Winner Scholarship pool, then the Spelling winner(s) would not be eligible to claim the Overall Winner Scholarship. (April 1989)
  10. Reinstate Keyboarding/Typewriting I – without the timed writing section – as a State Rally literary event. (April 1992)
  11. Change the title of the Executive Secretary of the Louisiana High School Rally Association to Executive Director effective immediately. (April 1998)
  12. Add Calculus to State Rally competition as a regular event. (April 1999)
  13. Amend the constitution to: define quorum for GAP meeting, clearly define parliamentary authority, and the procedure for amending the constitution. (April 1999)
  14. Create a fifth division of competition for all Rally events. The new breakdowns are by Divisions: I (1001 – up students), II (501-1000 students), III (251-500 students), IV (151-250 students), and V (1-150 students). (April 2000)
  15. Reclassify Rally Literary Events in two areas: Advanced Math event is reclassified as Advanced Mathematics II and Trigonometry is reclassified as Advanced Mathematics I. Stipulation made the Calculus I and II students be eliminated from competition in the Advanced Mathematics events. (April 2000)
  16. LHSRA Constitution amended in Article IV, Section 1 and Article IV, Section 6 to provide for the creation of the Assistant Executive Director position. (April 2003)
  17. Removed Computer Literacy, French III, Spelling, Keyboarding/Typewriting, and Administrative Support Occupations from rally competition. Replaced with Computer Science, Introduction to Business Computer Application, Business Computer Application, Business/Financial Math, and Psychology. (April 2004)
  18. Eligibility Rules – we need to clarify # 2 for block scheduling. Steve Soutullo will provide language from Southeastern’s rally. Under Eligibility rules for Speech and Music Rallies, we will ask the GAP to add language to part B as follows: “festival must have been completed by the date of District Rally.” (2004)
  19. Calculator Use Policy – under this policy State Rally will issue a statement that no cell phones and pagers will be allowed in testing or competition rooms. (2004)
  20. LHSRA website was completed. (2004)
  21. A periodic table will be provided by LHSRA for all District and State Rally Chemistry tests. (2008)
  22. Students will be allowed to use an LHSRA approved calculator on all Mathematics tests. (2008)
  23. If a District Rally does not offer speech competitions, students may still qualify for State Rally through the LHSSL if they qualify for the Tournament of Champions (cf. Music open events and LMEA qualification). (2008)
  24. LHSRA has requested that schools submit a formal request on behalf of students for any special test accommodations. Special Test Accommodation forms are available on the State Rally website. (2008)
  25. The listserv reply e-mail will be changed to rally@lsu.edu. The listserv will be used primarily for one-way communication to broadcast announcements only. (2008)
  26. The General Assembly recommended consideration of expanding Rally events to include Chemistry II, Health/Physical Education, Anatomy, European History as a separate event from World History, and Macro/Microeconomics as separate events from Free Enterprise. (2008)
  27. The LSU Office of Continuing Education will be responsible for test revisions as all tests are to be revised. Comprehensive curriculum will be followed. (2009)
  28. The State Rally dues will be doubled and the late fee will remain the same beginning with the 2010-11 academic year. In order for our schools to plan their annual budgets, the Association will review the dues and late fees every three (3) years with the next review to be during the 2013-14 academic year. (2010)
  29. Develop a test bank of questions from which to create district and state tests each year. (2010)
  30. Introduction to Business Computer Applications and Business Computer Applications tests have also been reviewed, corrected, and updated by the faculty in the College of Business at LSU so that these tests are based on Office 2007. (2010)
  31. Dues should now be paid to the LHSRA by the first Friday of December each year, with late fees due assessed by the first Friday of March of the following year. If dues have not been received by this March date, participants in district and state rallies will be disqualified. (2010)
  32. Schools will no longer receive plaques to commend the group performances in open events such as drama. (2010)
  33. In speech events, students will be penalized for failure to meet the preferred timed requirement of 5-7 minutes in “Extemporaneous Speaking” and 6-8 minutes in “Original Oratory.” (2010)
  34. “Calculator Usage Policy” has been updated to read Mathematics, Chemistry, or Physics. (2010)
  35. Agricultural Science IV was removed from future competitions. Health was selected to replace it as a literary event since all Louisiana students are required to take this course. (2010)
  36. District and state rallies dates shall be chosen two years in advance. (2010)
  37. GAP Meeting requested that French III and Fine Arts Survey be added as literary events beginning with 2012 State Rally. (April 2011)
  38. All districts will offer all of the literary events at their district rallies. (Fall 2011)
  39. Districts not offering open events will allow their member schools to attend another district that offers open events if the schools want to participate in open events. (Fall 2011)
  40. A school can join and pay the district dues to any district they choose as their “home district.” (Fall 2011)
  41. Should a school participate in their home district for literary events and a different district for open events, the school must pay membership dues to join the school’s home district as well as a fee requested by the district that is offering the open events. (Fall 2011)
  42. Schools that are found attending more than one district rally for literary event competition – or more than one district rally for competition in the same open event category – will not be allowed to participate in LHSRA events for two (2) years. (Fall 2011)
  43. Students enrolled in courses for dual credit may participate in District and State Rallies. (Fall 2011)
  44. The Executive Committee approved the addition of French III as a literary event beginning with the 2012 District and State Rallies. The Committee also approved Fine Arts Survey to be added as a literary event beginning with the 2013 District and State Rallies. (Fall 2011)
  45. The Association halted offering any monetary scholarships for overall first place winners at State Rally. The State of Louisiana failed to support the scholarships since 1994, so LSU continued to offer them until the university also had to make budget cuts due to state cuts to higher education. (Fall 2011)
  46. Students may participate in two (2) open events, barring no conflicts in scheduling. (Spring 2012)
  47. The Free Enterprise literary event will merge with and be incorporated with the current Civics literary test. The Louisiana Department of Education has merged Free Enterprise and Civics into one course worth one Carnegie unit. Because this merged course is not yet offered at all high schools, the new merged Civics and Free Enterprise event will not be offered until 2014 Rally. (April 2012)
  48. Both medals and certificates will be awarded to students who earn superior or excellent ratings in Music and Drama. (Spring 2013)
  49. Beginning the 2013-2014 academic year, a graduate assistant will be hired to assist exclusively with State Rally. Half of the GA’s salary will be coming from the LSU Office of Enrollment Management, and the other half from LHSRA. (Spring 2013)
  50. LHSRA will pay $400 for the creation of each test bank, with a bonus of $100 to all faculty who submit their test banks by June 1st, 2013. (Spring 2013)
  51. Tie Breaker Policy – If the test bank has more than 100 questions, there will be 10 tiebreaker questions in the bank. If the test bank has less than 100 questions, there will be 5 tiebreaker questions. (Spring 2013)
  52. Schools participating at district rally must select one site for literary events and one site for open events. The district rally location may be one and the same, or different sites. (Fall 2013)
  53. Eligibility Rules – When the calendar sets District Rally prior to March 1, students at schools on block scheduling will be allowed to participate in the literary event for their school if they completed the course during the preceding fall semester or are enrolled in the course within the current spring semester. Even if the student is currently enrolled in the next level course, students will be able to participate in a literary event in a course that was completed in the prior semester if that course is a pre-requisite for the course in which the student is currently enrolled. (Fall 2013)
  54. The test bank honorarium was increased to $500 for each literary event test bank. (Fall 2013)
  55. Tie Breaker Policy – The number of tiebreaker questions per test bank will be increased to 20% of the questions in the bank. (Fall 2013)
  56. Music Open Events – All LMEA festivals must occur prior to March 7th in order for students to be eligible for State Rally. Only students who receive a “Superior” rating will be eligible to attend State Rally. (Fall 2013)
  57. Speech Open Event Policies – The contestant may use personal electronic devices such as a cellphone, tablet, or laptop during the allocated time period to review research materials. Internet connection is the responsibility of the student and will not be provided by the host rally institution. Internet connection is permitted. (Fall 2013)
  58. Virtual School Membership – Virtual schools must register with the State office by making the following payments: LHSRA divisional membership fee, a $100 flat fee, and $5 per student fee for district rally membership. All fees will be collected by LHSRA, and they will handle the distribution of funds to all districts involved. Money will be non-refundable. The school will register the students through LHSRA so that the State office can verify that there are not duplicate entries from the same school in one literary event. LHSRA will then send those student entries to each district. (Fall 2013)
  59. Calculator Policy – Per the ACT 2013-2014 policy, the HP Prime and Casio fx-cp400 are now prohibited. It is also required that students remove all documents and all programs that have computer algebra system functionality from their calculator. (Spring 2014)
  60. LHSRA will award overall winners of the 44 State Rally literary events with a $400 scholarship that can be used at any Louisiana-based, accredited college or university. The awarding must occur no more than two years after high school graduation, and there will be no maximum amount that a student can collect. (Spring 2014)
  61. Scholarship Policy – Scholarship recipients must submit Overall Winner Scholarship Verification Form in the first fall semester or fall quarter in which they enroll. The scholarship recipient must claim the scholarship within one year after high school graduation. The deadline to submit the Overall Winner Verification Form to be eligible to claim the scholarship is October 15. Eligible students can appeal the deadline or one-year enrollment stipulation in writing to LHSRA. (Spring 2014)
  62. Scholarship Policy – Scholarships will not be awarded to open or performance events (including German and Latin literary events). If there is a tie for overall winner for a literary event, then all tied students will be awarded the full $400 scholarship amount. (Spring 2014)
  63. Eligibility Rules – Students must meet the requirements for the Carnegie unit in the setting of the LHSRA active member school. Students enrolled in a correspondence course and/or Dual Enrollment may participate. (Spring 2014)
  64. Honors and Awards Policy – For Drama event winners, the winning students shall receive a certificate and the school will receive a plaque, in lieu of individual medals for each student performer. (Spring 2014)
  65. Eligibility Rules – A separate set of eligibility rules was created for schools that follow block scheduling. This would allow students who have completed the course in the fall semester to compete, provided that they are not enrolled in the next level course in the spring. (Fall 2014)
  66. Membership Policy – Allow all eligible students in grades 7th-12th to participate in literary events. In order for a school to send students to district rally, the school must complete membership registration (dues and membership form) for district rally and LHSRA. (Spring 2015)
  67. The deadline for schools to complete membership registration (dues and membership form) with a $75 late fee was changed to the first Friday in February. This amended the previous deadline of the first Friday in March. (Spring 2015)
  68. Literary Events – The Business Computer Applications and Introduction to Business Computer Applications descriptions and events were updated for Rally 2016 to reflect Microsoft Office 2010 content instead of Office 2007. (Spring 2015)
  69. New Literary Events – Calculus II/Calculus BC and Spanish IV are to be added for the 2017 District and State Rallies. Calculus BC/II will be referred to as Calculus II. The event description will contain both names and students from Calculus BC will still be eligible. (Spring 2015)
  70. Open Events – The District and State Rallies will use the same adjudication forms for Drama, Music, and Speech events. (Fall 2015)
  71. Eligibility Rules – Eligibility for Open Events was updated to read “Students do not need to be currently enrolled in a course to participate in any of the open literary (German I, II, or III or Latin I or II) or open performance events at State Rally. Students may not participate in the same event more than once.” (Fall 2015)
  72. Schools participating in District Rally must select one location for literary events. Schools participating in open events may select multiple locations for open events, provided they do not participate in the same event at more than one location. (Fall 2015)
  73. Constitution – Article IV, “Officers of the Constitution” was updated to reflect the dual directorship that was implemented this year. Section 6 was amended to read “Associate and/or Assistant Executive Director” with an added description that “The Assistant Executive Director will follow all tasks and roles as assigned by the Associate Executive Director.” (Spring 2016)
  74. Scholarship Policy – The scholarship amount will be raised from $400 to $500 for each overall winner of the approved literary events. This will be implemented beginning with State Rally 2016. (Spring 2016)
    Tiebreaker Policy – Tiebreakers will now make up 20% of the questions on a test, and they will be created with ranked levels of difficulty. (Spring 2016)
  75. Eligibility Rules – If a student is not enrolled in one of the listed course codes for a literary event, he/she will not be eligible to take that literary test. The listing of course codes will be available on the LHSRA website and sent to all LHSRA member schools to verify that all course codes are accurate. (Spring 2016)
  76. Participation of Native Speakers in Language Events – A student who is a native speaker of a foreign language is ineligible to participate in open events of their native language, unless there are specific event categories for native speakers.  A student whose main language at home is other than English is considered to be a native speaker of that particular language. (Fall 2024)
  77. German and Latin Events – Schools may enroll up to two students in every Latin and German event category. (Fall 2024)


Executive Committee


Harald Leder, Executive Director

LA High School Rally Association
LSU Gordon A. Cain Center
221 Prescott Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-6001 – Office

Megan Stone, Associate Director

LA High School Rally Association
LSU Gordon A. Cain Center
222A Prescott Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-6001 – Office

Amber Silessi, President

SLU Box 10752
Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA 70402
(985) 549-2360 – Office
(800) 222-SELU (7358)
(985) 549-5882 – Fax
www.southeastern.edu/resources/litrally – website

Vice President, Vacant

Central Louisiana District

Renee Melder, Director
Louisiana Christian University
1140 College Drive
Pineville, LA 71359
(318) 487-7811 – Office
(318) 487-7340 – Fax

Wilton Barrios, President
Grace Christian School
4900 Jackson St.
Alexandria, LA 71303
(318) 449-9031

Greater New Orleans District

There is no host university for this district

LSU Eunice District

Chad Jones, Director
P.O. Box 1129
Louisiana State University at Eunice
Eunice, LA 70535
(337) 550-1218 – Office
(337) 550-1266 – Fax

Alisha Fontenot, Assistant Director
Louisiana State University at Eunice
Eunice, LA 70535
(337) 550-1218 – Office
(337) 550-1266 – Fax

Dr. Rodney Johnson, President
Opelousas High School
1014 Judson Walsh Drive
Opelousas, LA 70571-1269
(337) 942-5634 – Office
(337) 942-6219 – Fax

North Louisiana District

Colin Bailey, Director
Hale Hall 103; Tech Box 38
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, LA 71272
Phone: (318) 257-2752
latech.edu/highschoolrally – website

Robyn Tucker, President
Minden High School
P.O. Box 838
Minden, LA 71058
(318) 377-2766

Northwest Louisiana District

Yonna Pasch, Director
Student Union Room 103
NSU Box 5242
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, LA 71497
(318) 357-6128 – Office
www.nsula.edu/litrally – website

Nancy Monroe, President
Bolton High School
2101 Vance Avenue
Alexandria, LA 71301
(318) 448-3628 – Office

South Central Louisiana District

Liz McCurry, Director
PO Box 2119
Nicholls State University
Thibodaux, LA 70310
(985) 448-4444 – Office
www.nicholls.edu/continuing-ed/district-rally – website

Southeast Louisiana District

Amber Silessi, Director
SLU Box 10752
Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA 70402
(985) 549-2360 – Office
(800) 222-SELU (7358)
(985) 549-5882 – Fax
www.southeastern.edu/resources/litrally – website

Southern Louisiana District

There is no host university for this district at this time.

Southwest Louisiana District

Kourtney Istre, Director
McNeese State University
P.O. Box 91740
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70609
(337) 475-5505
www.mcneese.edu/rally – website

University of LA at Lafayette District

André David, Director
P.O. Box 41210
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA 70504
(337) 482-1508 – Office
louisiana.edu/admissions-aid/visit-campus/district-rally – website


General Assembly of Principals